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Menopausal Symptoms


Until now, HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) was the most common means of managing the ongoing side effects of the menopause. IV and IM vitamin injections could also help manage physiological changes brought about by the menopause. Defined as the permanent cessation of menstruation, the menopause essentially occurs at the time of the final menstrual period, followed by twelve months without menstruation.

Prior to this, the menopausal transition or perimenopause begins with irregular menstrual cycles and lasts until the final menstrual period. This time is marked by fluctuations in reproductive hormones and is characterised by irregularities in menstruation, decreased fertility, vasomotor symptoms, and insomnia for up to four years before menstruation ceases in the post-menopause period. For women, the major consequences of the menopause are related primarily to oestrogen deficiency.

  • For dry and itchy skin, Baby Skin Mesotherapy injections can replenish water-deprived skin with pure hyaluronic acid, whereas vitamin C IV injections may diminish redness and scaling of the skin.
  • Although the Weight Loss System is a combined vitamin IV therapy for diet and weight loss, these injections can be taken by those with bloating and sluggish digestion.

Menopause problems and IV/IM solutions

  • HRT (oestrogen replacement therapy) as mentioned above is still the most popular option. Alongside this, a variety of IV and IM injections are available for women at all stages of their lives.


Book an appointment and discuss your individual needs with our experienced practitioners by contacting us via our online form or calling us on +44 (0) 203 823 6551.

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